Accessing Resource Files in Spring Boot: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to access and load resource files in Spring Boot using ResourceLoader, @Value, and ResourceUtils

In Spring Boot applications, resource files are essential for managing various application data, such as configuration files, templates, and static resources. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into what resource files are, how to load them in Spring Boot, and share best practices with code examples to enhance your understanding.

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Integrating Spring Boot with Third-Party APIs

Learn how to integrate Spring Boot with third-party APIs using Feign

In today’s microservice architecture, it’s common for applications to communicate with third-party services. Spring Boot makes it seamless to integrate these APIs with a variety of tools. While developers have traditionally used RestTemplate, its deprecation has shifted focus to more modern solutions, like Spring Cloud OpenFeign. In this blog, we’ll dive into the integration of Spring Boot with third-party APIs, focusing on using Feign and showcasing practical examples, including handling authentication and request customization.

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Introduction to Spring Boot: Building Your First RESTful API

Learn how to build your first RESTful API using Spring Boot

Building a RESTful API is a fundamental skill for any backend engineer. Spring Boot simplifies the process with its robust framework, allowing you to quickly develop scalable and maintainable APIs. In this guide, we’ll walk through creating your first RESTful API using Spring Boot. We’ll cover REST fundamentals, explain the Controller → Service → Repository pattern, mock the Repository layer, and discuss the role of Spring Security (while leaving the deeper details to specialized blog posts). By the end, you’ll have a functioning API and a deeper understanding of Spring Boot’s architecture.

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Connecting Spring Boot Applications to a Database with Spring Data JPA

Simplify Spring Boot database integration with Spring Data JPA

In modern software development, databases form the backbone of most applications, holding crucial data that powers the business logic. Spring Data JPA is a part of the larger Spring ecosystem that simplifies data access through powerful abstractions over JPA (Java Persistence API). In this post, we will dive into how to connect Spring Boot applications to a PostgreSQL database using Spring Data JPA, explore key annotations, understand repository interfaces, and provide practical code examples to solidify the concepts.

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Securing Your Spring Boot Application with Spring Security

Secure your Spring Boot app with Spring Security

In today’s digital landscape, securing web applications is more critical than ever. With Spring Boot’s seamless integration with Spring Security, adding robust security features to your application is both straightforward and highly customizable. In this post, we will dive into what Spring Security is, how it automatically secures your API, and provide practical examples of how you can configure it to meet your needs.

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Understanding Dependency Injection in Spring Boot

Master Dependency Injection in Spring Boot with this beginner-friendly guide

In modern software development, the goal is to create applications that are flexible, maintainable, and testable. One of the key patterns used to achieve this is Dependency Injection (DI). If you’re building applications with Spring Boot, understanding DI is essential. In this blog post, we’ll explore what Dependency Injection is, why it’s important, and how it works in Spring Boot, all from a beginner’s perspective. Plus, we’ll show how DI simplifies testing and makes your code more modular and maintainable.

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Implementing OAuth2 in Spring Boot: A Step-by-Step Guide

Master OAuth2 in Spring Boot with our step-by-step guide! Secure your applications with practical code examples

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, securing applications and managing user authentication is paramount. One of the most robust and widely adopted protocols for authorization is OAuth2. Whether you’re building a web application, mobile app, or any service that requires user authentication, understanding OAuth2 is essential.

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Spring Boot Actuator: Monitoring and Managing Your Applications

Monitor and manage Spring Boot apps with Actuator

Monitoring and managing applications is a critical aspect of software development that can significantly impact an application’s reliability and security. Spring Boot Actuator is a powerful tool that provides comprehensive monitoring and management capabilities for Spring Boot applications. However, it’s essential to use it wisely, especially considering its history with security vulnerabilities. In this post, we’ll explore what Actuator is, discuss its past security issues, and provide practical advice on using it securely. We’ll also cover its main features and include Java code examples to help you get started.

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Testing AWS locally with LocalStack

Learn how to test SQS locally with LocalStack — cut costs, isolate tests, and speed up your development process

In today’s fast-paced development environment, testing is a crucial component that ensures the robustness and reliability of your applications. However, testing AWS services like SQS (Simple Queue Service) can be costly and cumbersome if done directly against live AWS environments. Enter LocalStack — a powerful tool that allows you to emulate AWS services locally, providing a cost-effective and isolated environment for testing.

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OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant Type: When and How to Use It

Learn when and how to use OAuth2 Client Credentials for secure backend communication.

In the ever-evolving landscape of application security, OAuth2 has become a fundamental protocol for managing authorization. OAuth2 offers a range of grant types to accommodate different scenarios, each with its specific use cases. Among these, the Client Credentials Grant Type stands out for enabling secure communication between backend applications. This grant type is unique because it does not involve user interaction, making it ideal for system-to-system communication. In this post, we’ll explore what OAuth2 is, discuss the main grant types, and dive deep into when and how to effectively use the Client Credentials Grant Type.

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